Sunday, October 11, 2009

Welcome to my SC "farm".

Many years ago, I picked up a magazine off the rack and started reading. I must have been about 20 or so. That magazine was Mother Earth News . That was all she wrote. I decided I wanted to live the simple lifestyle, get back to nature, do things the old fashioned way and just enjoy life.
It wasn't until I was in my mid 30's that I bought land and a home. I live on about one and a half acres now. Adding in kids and work to the mixture meant I didn't live my dream of the old fashioned lifestyle. I kind of worked at it but not very hard. I've always had a garden, and tried to do the 3 "R's" - reduce, reuse and recycle. I got into the tightwad, and Be Prepared mode thanks to some wonderful friends I met on AOL and private message boards.

2 years ago, at the age of 12, my son came home carrying a pygmy nanny goat. That started the ball rolling.

Our goal is to have more goats (around 6 or so) and also laying hens (maybe a dozen). Both will provide us with meat, milk, cheese, soap, and eggs (and a small extra income). By expanding the garden and greenhouse, we hope to greatly increase our produce output. The fruit trees are finally at bearing age and we have added a 100' row of Muscadine to the berry production.

This blog has been created to chronicle my family's journey. Also included here will be many other topics such as the frugal/tightwad lifestyle, cooking and gardening. You never know what may pop up here. I'm never satisfied with how this thing looks so I may change it frequently. Check back for surprises.

All comments are welcome. Ideas, articles, whatever - just send them my way.


  1. Hey, kewl blog, buddy. I look forward to seeing your mini-farm's progress.

  2. It's a work in progress that's for sure. Great seeing you here!!!

  3. well the farmer's in the dell! You go sistah!

  4. Heh, I figure you need more comedy in your life! Always willing to help out!
