Monday, October 26, 2009

The Logging has begun.....

The area where we plan to house the goats and chickens is overloaded with small pine trees. They make the area too shady and also house way too many ticks for my liking. I think I counted well over 30 trees to take down. That area has already had about 30 removed over the years. We originally left them so the kids could have a shaded area to play in. We had built a play fort with swings, a sand table, etc. The play fort became the deck to our pool and the sand table finally just bit the dust.

The logging began late this afternoon. We can't just cut down the trees - they have to be limbed from the top down. That means Hubby and son climb like monkeys, hold on tight and start sawing. It's a slow process to say the least. If I hear my husband say "oh crap" one more time while up in a tree, I may just shake him out. We are planning to use the trunks as building logs for the goat sheds. The branches will be burned and the ash used in the compost bin and other areas. There are a couple of young Oaks, a Hickory and I think 3 Sweet Gum that we will leave. My biggest concern is that when we take down all the trees, the barren soil will wash really bad. We'll have to get a cover crop of some sort growing as quickly as possible.

My son and his friends are having a blast helping take out the trees. They love to hack and slash knowing they won't get into trouble. I'm paying his two best buddies with lots of Koolade and plenty of treats. They're happy all the way around.  I figure it will take a couple of months to get all the trees down.

Here's a southern sunset......

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