Thursday, November 5, 2009

Helpful Hints and Stuff

I'm always on the lookout for anything to make life easier and ultimately save some cash. I got a catalog in the mail a couple of weeks ago, no clue what it was. It had a list of hints and tips in it that I tore out and saved. I've looked all over for a way to give attribution to these tips but they all point to different places so here's some that I read -

For gardening -
  • Use the cooled leftover water from steamed vegetables to water your houseplants.
  • Use plastic "peanuts" from your shipping packages in the bottom of your flower pots to aid in drainage.
  • Add a crushed eggshell to a container of water. Let sit for a few days and then water your plants with it. This works really well for tomato plants as the extra calcium will help deter blossom end rot.
  • Poke holes in the bottom of a tin can and add mothballs. Place upside down (holes facing up) in your garden to discourage 4 legged pests.
  • Dig up a dandelion plant and put a few drops of pure white vinegar in the hole. The vinegar will kill any root left and grass will grow over the treated spot.
I just looked at page 2 and it was nothing more than 1/2 hints suggesting you buy the book to get the whole thing. Nah, not happening. The internet can offer as many if not more than a book could. So I'll stop at the gardening part since I am in the full "garden" swing right now.

So far I think perhaps we might just do better winter gardening in the greenhouse than we do in the regular garden during the summer. Everything is growing like crazy. Hubby had to tie the cukes to the trellis he made and today, looks like more coaxing is in the works. I think I may have some tiny little budding blossoms on a couple of the tomato plants. The whole thing will take some extra work since Mother Nature cannot do her job naturally. We'll have to hand "fertilize" each and every blossom that comes along - no buggies or wind to do it for us.

As I was taking care of Nanny Belle McPhee this morning, I stood gazing at our pool. Such a lovely, verdant shade of green. We haven't gotten the cover on it yet - we got the cover out, cleaned it off and well, it's sitting, nicely folded up, on the picnic table. I may just buy some fish and raise my own They'd have the perfect growing conditions, that's for sure. I can just picture my daughter sitting on the deck, fishing pole in hand, murmuring "here fishie, fishie". She'd catch one, give it a name then toss it back and we'd never, ever be allowed to eat it.

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